Monday, February 15, 2010


We arrived into the watermelon-filled town of Tolu and found a lovely place to stay in the upstairs of a family´s home. We took in the sea breeze and the local culture... This town takes its bikes very seriously. There were bicycles filling the streets - with a twist, of course. These bikes were meant for communal enjoyment. First, they were pedaled by all on board. Yes, ALL. Some were built for two, but most for four, or even six and eight -like a paddleboat, or the Flinstones (Los Picapiedras). Each was decorated uniquely, and each (of course) had a name, along with a blessing from God. And each had its own car battery-powered sound system - which we all couldn´t help but enjoy, even at 8 am on Sunday morning as we departed for a stay on Mucura Island...


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